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Writer's pictureQueen Phillips

Broaden Your Concept of God

How great is God—beyond our understanding! -Job 36:26a

Our limited knowledge and concept of God are obstacles to our spiritual growth. We say we believe God cares and loves us. We quote scriptures. We say we believe He’s all-powerful, all-knowing and all-wise…we say all the right things, and all the true things about God. However, when trouble knocks on our door, we open it wide and let everything we said we believe leave out the door. Rephrase: we open the door wide with emotions and let trouble triumph over the truth. We close the door to the spiritual truth of God’s word that we quote.

Consider Bro. Job. To me, he is the number one biblical example of a human being experiencing trouble in every aspect of life—family, finances, friends/relationships and physically. Job’s troubles put his concept and limited knowledge of God to the test!

One very important truth in Job’s story that we must remember is God recommended Job for trouble. When our troubles and challenges in this life appear to be greater than we can handle, it is the time to broaden our concept of God. It is what God is allowing. Could it be that He is making you a referral to the enemy for the purpose of you getting to know Him, to know that His word is true? He wants what you say you believe about Him to be what you know about Him. What you know about Him empowers and equips you to be a true witness for Him. One who declares as Job, "I know my Redeemer lives." It was Job who said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him."

Like Job, in times of trouble, your concept of God broadens. Your knowledge of God increases your faith and trust in Him as His greatness is manifested in your life, and as He works all things in your circumstances for your good and His will.

Your experience in times of trouble will cause you to declare with amazement and praise, “How great is God—beyond our understanding!”

Finally, living in this world, I’m always reminded of what Jesus said:

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” -John 16:33

The above scripture reminds that as long as I am in this world tribulation (trouble, challenges) are inevitable. Jesus was preparing the disciples for His departure. He wanted them to know, to expect trouble. More importantly, He assured them their relationship with Him gave them access to the inner peace they needed despite the trouble they would face. He commanded them--BE of good cheer--be courageous because He had overcome (defeated) the world.

The words that Jesus spoke centuries ago are Spirit and life. Whether you're experiencing troubles now, or in the future, declare, "I have peace; I am of good courage because Jesus the Christ conquered world (Cosmos/Universe).


©2022 Queen E. Phillips. A Majestic Publication. All rights reserved. May be used without permission for non-commercial purpose. Credit must be given to copyright owner.



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