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Writer's pictureQueen Phillips

Let Us Mourn to Find Comfort

Let Us Mourn to Find Comfort

In times past, allowing people to grieve and mourn the loss of a loved one or dear friend was taboo. Mourners lacked the space and time to grieve. At funerals or during visitations you could overhear comments such as, They are in a better place, Don’t cry, Everything is going to be alright, Don’t worry, I’m here for you, Call me if you need anything, I’m just a phone call away, I understand how you feel. The list of comments goes on and on.

While the intentions were to offer comforting words, they sent another subliminal message—move on; life happens, and you must go on living, time will heal. The attempt to comfort using clichés and ineffective words were unintentional; yet it made many of us feel guilty for mourning the loss of someone we loved dearly. It did not allow us space and time to mourn and find comfort in the grieving process. And we did not know how to respond tactfully without insulting the person who was simply trying to comfort. Therefore, we kept silence about our feelings.

Our emotions would be all over the place—angry, sad, confused, depressed. We felt alone and unable to share the depth of our pain. However, anytime we do not express our feelings, we hold ourselves captive by the negative thoughts that bombard our minds. Of course, I speak from personal experience, but I do not think I am alone. The intense pain of separation pierces the depth of our soul and we need space and time to mourn, reflect, heal, and receive inner peace and supernatural comfort.

This year has brought an enormous amount of pain and grief. There is much loss to mourn in every aspect. A pandemic is at the center of it all! Coronavirus the vicious, invisible enemy to the naked eye has caused us to mourn the death of family and friends. Death reminds us of our limitations. It affirms our connectivity as human beings, and we all grieve and mourn loss. Pain and grief do not discriminate based on skin color, gender, cultural differences, or religious beliefs.

Rather than divide us, the pandemic should unite us and change our perspective on the sanctity of life and the grief that death causes. When we think about how this pandemic has disrupted the normalcy of life, we should be intentional about showing mercy and compassion to others. When we think about the death of thousands across the global, we should mourn with those who mourn, although we don’t know them personally. When we think about the pain many suffer, we should open our heart to the spirit of forgiveness, generosity and peace, especially during this holiday season, which adds to the grief of losing loved ones.

Let us allow space and time for others to mourn to find comfort. Therefore, let us mourn without judgment, but find comfort in Christian love. Let us mourn with forgiveness, to find comfort and peace by letting go of offenses that hold us captive by offenders. Let us mourn without hatred, to find comfort in recognizing we are all from one blood. Let us mourn, holding on to loving memories to find comfort and strength.

Finally, let us mourn to find comfort through the God of all comfort.

Praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort. 4 He comforts us when we are in trouble, so that we can share that same comfort with others in trouble. (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4)

Let us mourn to find comfort in the Living Word of God—the Christ whom we celebrate in this season. Amid a pandemic, we are mourning loss, but God sent His Son, Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One, to heal our broken hearts, to declare our liberation and release us from the bondage and mindsets that hold us captive. He sent Jesus to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for that spirit of heaviness—the depression that causes us to give up.

Let us mourn to find comfort in the eternal hope of the Glorified Christ. (Isaiah 61:1-3)

Though we mourn, I pray that we find comfort in knowing God is with all who call upon His name, trusting Him to give strength, peace and comfort in troublesome times such as now.


©2020 Queen E. Phillips. All rights reserved. A Majestic Publication.


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