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Writer's pictureQueen Phillips

You're Not Alone!

The Lord said, “Joshua, I will never leave you nor forsake you.” -Joshua 1:5

Being alone and isolated can result in depressing feelings of loneliness. Being alone and isolated affect us emotionally and with time deepens as feelings of loneliness escalate.

You have probably heard the saying, “No man is an island.” The simplest idea of the saying is that human beings depend on each and need to be part of a community. From the beginning, companionship was God’s intention for mankind. The truth is we were not created to be alone! We were created for relationship with God and our fellow man.

Growing up as an only child, I know the feeling of loneliness well. I felt the pain of being alone and isolated. Sure, there were times I treasured my time alone—not having to share my toys, my space, clothing and other belongings. I had Mom all to myself. But there were occasions when I not only felt lonely, it was my reality. And there were times when I was not alone yet felt lonely. It was that part of me—my inner being that longed for someone or something that would fill the void in my soul. As a child, it was not so obvious, but as I matured the void grew deeper and larger. However, I learned to make the best of my “aloneness” by redirecting my energy and attention so that loneliness would not overtake me emotionally. This is when I outgrew the little girl toys. I began using my time to journal my thoughts and feelings rather than internalize them.

Writing became my outlet that evolved into eternal purpose. I did not express my thoughts and feeling verbally, yet effectively and efficient for that phase of my life. I did not know at the time that Divine inspiration was working in and through me. Years later, I realized the inspired words erased the damaging effects that could later result in psychological issues. Then and now, the fulfillment of His promise to never leave me nor forsake me is cause for me to pause and say, “Thank You, Father God!”

When I read God’s word to Joshua, I could imagine Joshua feeling alone and lonely after Moses’ death. He assisted Moses throughout their wilderness wanderings and now was chosen as his successor. This leadership transition required much courage. While he was not alone physically, he was alone because of the mindset of the people he would lead. Therefore, feelings of loneliness could set in. Surely, he felt alone and was afraid of the great responsibility to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. However, what I find so amazing about Joshua’s narrative is God’s personal word of encouragement and instruction to Joshua.

It encourages and reminds me that God knows all about us! He understands our fears, feelings of loneliness and anxiety about transitions in life. And I am confident that just as God spoke to Joshua, He speaks to us. Just as He reassured Joshua, He reassures us. Just as He commanded Joshua to be strong and courageous, He commands us. And just as Joshua obeyed, we can follow God's command because of His promise—“I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ (Joshua 1:5; Hebrews 13:5).

If we are obedient to God’s command and carry out our individual assignments and the Great Commission, we can be assured that we are not alone. We can trust Him to fill the void in our soul when loneliness seeks to override His Word—”And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 18:20).


©2019 Queen E. Phillips, A Majestic Publication, Majestic Worldwide Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved.


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