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Are you a Christian who loves to pray for others even when you could pray for yourself? When you see or feel others are facing difficulties and challenges, are you moved to help even in the smallest way? You may not have the resources to assist tangibly. Yet, you sense a tugging within you to pray for them. Could it be that God has chosen you to be an intercessor? It is a great work that requires selflessness, compassion, faith, hope, love and a heart for doing what you can do that is just as helpful, if not more—PRAY!


Jesus made it clear in Luke 18:1, “… men always ought to pray and not lose heart.” The propensity to give up is more likely if we do not pray. Therefore, praying for one another and interceding on behalf of others is a privilege granted to every Christian. Standing in the gap in the presence of God pleading on behalf of the land, that God would not destroy it was an assignment in which no one qualified for in Ezekiel’s day (Ezekiel 22:30).


But what about today? Are you available? Will you accept the call to be an intercessor? Can God trust you with the burden that comes with intercession?


Now is the time for intercessors to ascend, take their rightful position in the spiritual realm and stand in the gap, pleading to God on behalf of the land and the people. As wickedness increases in the land and the spiritual climate descends, the clarion call is for intercessors to ascend.


This book will help you understand the command from God for intercessors and prayer warriors to ascend to their rightful position as His representatives on the Earth to stand in the gap on behalf of others so that His will be done on earth as in heaven.


The author answers the questions many have asked her about being an intercessor. Being an intercessor for over 20 years, she shares insight, wisdom, and revelation into an intercessor’s mindset, ministry, motivation, and much more.

Intercessors, Ascend: The Mandate to Posture for Kingdom Purpose


    © 2024 Queen Esther Phillips. All rights reserved.​

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